
Photo by Victor Garcia on Unsplash


Digital is a big topic in sustainability - both as an enabler of various initiatives, but also as an emitter. IT is one of the largest energy consumers globally, and the impact is growing rapidly. Understanding and managing that impact will be increasingly important.

We have developed some first ideas, approaches, and processes around Green UX, Green Coding, and Green IT - nothing perfect, everything still being improved upon, but a starting point at least.

Let's learn together and take action together!

Video Recap available here:

Related Resources

👇 You can find the slide deck with the presentation materials on "Greening Your Digital Footprint" here:

MING Innov8rs Greening Digital Footprint 20220413 (1)-compressed.pdf

Here you can find our prior Innov8rs talks on Sustainability:

Digital Sustainability Transformation

Building Sustainability Ventures

Additional Resources

Interested in more materials around Sustainable, Digital Transformation & MING Labs? Check out: